
Hi, I’m Anika Raimar and I am the founder of WordWarriors, a platform that fights against the declining reading habits among young people. As an enthusiastic reader, I notice that many of my peers hardly pick up a book anymore. It’s even considered strange that I read, and I unfortunately often receive negative comments about it.  

This inspired me to start WordWarriors. I believe that reading brings you much more than you might think. Books open worlds, expand your vocabulary, and stimulate your imagination. That’s why I want to encourage young people to discover the magic of reading. 

I also support Biblionef, an organization dedicated to inspiring children to read, no matter where they come from, and to developing a lifelong passion for books. Biblionef collaborates with disadvantaged schools and libraries to provide access to new books and promote literacy in communities with limited access to public libraries. Our collaboration is therefore a perfect match!  

WordWarriors is my way of creating a positive change. You can support me and my mission by donating to Biblionef in my name. Every little bit helps! (You can also follow me on my platform @W0rdWarriors) 

Much love, Anika 

Here is how you can help us:

You can scan this QR code and connect directly to your bank account with your mobile phone.

Larger donations are also possible via IBAN: NL13 INGB 0000 2584 85

Description: Word Warriors