Objectives and Strategies 

Objective 1: Ensure a continuous supply of books from reputable publishers and other parties. 

  • Sustained strategic relationships with Dutch publishers (currently 5). CB1 is a partner to expand Biblionef’s network of publishers.  
  • Visiting NOT2 every two years to increase our network of publishers. 
  • Maintaining contact with major UK publishers and publishing houses and visiting the Bologna and London book fairs to find new contacts and opportunities. 

Objective 2: Support multilingualism  

  • Developing and/or (having) books printed in local languages and/or in a multilingual version. 

Objective 3: Develop books for a special need  

This objective has the two following preconditions: 

1. There is a need and/or shortage of books on the subject, and  

2. there is a donor interested in sponsoring books on this subject.  

Objective 4: Establish and reinforce school libraries with the provision of new books appropriate to children’s age, reading level and experience. 

Two-way approach: 

  1. Schools find Biblionef online or otherwise. 
  1. Biblionef finds schools through partners. 

Objective 5: Train teachers and school library staff in reading promotion and set up a trainer community in the target countries for the purpose of training trainers. 

This objective has the following four prerequisites: 

  1. There is a request for this process from partners.  
  1. There is sufficient funding to successfully complete this process. 
  1. Trainers must have a pedagogical didactic background. 
  1. Each trainer must provide a ‘VOG’3 or similar document. 

Biblionef encourages train the trainers in the target countries to increase outreach and ensure continuity.  

  1. Biblionef will develop or commission its own training for this purpose 

Objective 6: Set up a Biblionef trainer group of experts in the Netherlands. 

  • Biblionef develops and maintains a core group of trainers in the Netherlands, trained by Biblionef itself, who can be involved in Biblionef projects. 

Objective 7: Support (community) libraries and other organisations in developing countries through book donations, setting up or improving libraries and training in reading promotion. 

This objective has the following preconditions: 

  1. There is a donor to set up a new library or restore an existing one. 
  1. There is a need in the relevant community and it commits to continuity. 

Objective 8: Build and maintain sustainable partnerships with parties that endorse and support the mission and vision of Biblionef. 

  1. Finding partners for transporting books. 
  1. Finding partners for storage of books from Biblionef. 
  1. Finding project partners for book distribution and/or project implementation in other target countries. 

Objective 9: Ensure long-term and measurable impact. 

  • By building solid and enduring relationships with local and regional organisations, we ensure the continued stimulation of reading pleasure for generations to come.  
  • Biblionef is committed to ensuring that its activities have a positive impact on the enjoyment and level of reading by children and youth. We measure our effectiveness by the enthusiasm and willingness to participate of local organisations (schools, libraries, etc.) in our projects. 
  • By tracking whether children read more books after our projects than they did before.