Books Across Borders
This year, on the 15 March, Biblionef participated in NL Doet, the annual volunteer day in the Netherlands. The aim of this campaign is to encourage volunteer work and make a concrete difference with specific non-profit goals in mind. Each year more than 375,000 people participate, coming from various associations, companies and institutions or simply joining as individuals.

Biblionef NL announced its participation under the title BOOKS ACROSS BORDERS, informing interested groups that 72% of the global illiterates are in Africa. Volunteers were invited to join hands with established volunteers from the organization with a simple (but not so easy) task to help pack books for children in Ghana, Gambia, Uganda, and St. Maarten. By supporting this initiative, volunteers could directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education), ensuring that every child can receive and read books. It goes without saying that, by working together, a collective force is formed that transcends borders, making a tangible difference in the lives of thousands of children.
On this occasion and, as always, with the generous assistance of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Biblionef welcomed their helpers from various organizations: RWS Rijkswaterstaat, Nederlandse Loterij, Oranje Fonds, Gemeente Den Haag, Key Merchandise, ASML Delft Happy-e and the British Club of the Hague. All in all, more than 80 people worked together throughout a day.
Thanks to the enthusiastic effort by all involved, more than 22.000 books were stickered, packed, and transferred to the trolleys and pallets, ready to be shipped across the sea. In conversations with the volunteers, Biblionef staff members realised that many volunteers were not aware of Biblionef and her activities, so they were offered a presentation by Bethzy Chiang, Director Biblionef Netherlands, that covered the many varied Biblionef activities.
After lunch, the work continued in the atmosphere of friendship and common purpose. All involved embraced the initiative and didn’t shy from physically demanding tasks. Niels (Nederlandse Loterij) did his fair share of heavy lifting and transferring of boxes, Peter (Gemeente Den Haag) wanted to know more about Biblionef, Arlene, Rick and many others stressed that they would like to help in the future. And that is to name just a few instances. The day was productive, inspiring, and asked to be repeated. The goal was achieved to everyone’s satisfaction and soon the children in Africa will receive their new books, packed by friendly people who care.
A few days later the youngest volunteer joined forces with the Biblionef staff members in transferring the last trolleys from the working space to the KB post section. Luuk (13) came on a school assignment which should have lasted for three hours, but he decided to stay much longer and worked with impressive vigour and enthusiasm. The Biblionef staff and Luuk’s peers in Africa and the Caribbean region acquired a new, valuable friend!